MIS – the institution adopts Management Information system (MIS) to improve the efficiency of the college office activities.
YES, the college maintains MIS to support its academic program and administrative operations. We have successfully automated most processes in the college to improve the efficiency of operations. The college office and library is effectively using computerized information system through master soft cloud and Libman Software. Various administrative modules such as admission, fee management, payroll management are carried out easily with the help of software. The modules of admission and fee management are on a regular basis. For enrollment and scholarship management college uses online process set up by R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.
Accounting work is performed by using tally ERP software in online mode. The modules of examination are used and updated as per the guidelines of R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur. This has been effectively used for generation of admit cards and result sheets. Library is fully computerized and functions through automated Libman software. The Libman is fully integrated, user friendly, multiuser package for computerization of all in-house operations of the library. The modules enable automation of book details entry, issue return, generation of bar codes for the books, lists of all books, subject wise list of books month wise summary of the available test books, reference books, number of titles, number of copies and total amount. OPAC facility is also provided which helps user to search books either, title, subject, author or publication wise. There is well established IT infrastructure in the institution comprising hardware, software, servers and peripherals. There is one server and official data is stored in cloud. All the computers of the college are interconnected through LAN. The head of the institution, the Principal works in consultation with Management.
Functioning of the college is supervised by Management through College Development Committee as per the Direction of Maharashtra Public University Act of 2016 comprising of
1) the President of the society
2) Secretary
3) HoD
4) Three teacher representatives
5) Non-teaching representative
6) One Representative each from Education, Industry, Social work and Research, one of which should be
an alumni
7) IQAC Co-coordinator
8) Student section
9) Principal.
Principal constitutes various committees and cells with specific duties and task. At the beginning and end of each academic year, Principal conducts staff meeting where activities carried out during the year are discussed, reviewed and suggestions are entertained. On the basis of these discussions new academic plans for coming year are prepared. The Principal holds regular meetings of the head of the departments and various committees throughout the year. She also reviews compliance of syllabus and execution of co- curricular, extracurricular and extension activities. At the end of each academic year heads of each department and each committee head submits reports to the Principal, IQAC and Magazine committee.